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Proper Words in Proper Places: Dialectical Explication and English Literature. (Altona, MB: Friesen Press, 2024). Pp. xv + 285.


Imperial Paradoxes: Training The Senses And Tasting The Eighteenth Century. (Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021). Pp. xv + 399.


Daniel Defoe: Contrarian (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 2013). Pp. xx + 408.


Presenting the Past: Philosophical Irony and the Rhetoric of Double Vision from Bishop Butler to T.S. Eliot (Victoria: English Literary Studies, University of Victoria, 2004). Pp. 200.


Daniel Defoe’s Moral and Rhetorical Ideas (Victoria: English Literary Studies, University of Victoria, 1980).  Pp. 112.




Assisted by Richard Connors & Tiffany Potter. Lumen. Volume XIX, “Material Productions and Cultural Construction,” Selected Proceedings from the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Edmonton: Academic Printing & Publishing, 2000).  Pp. xiii + 242.


Man and Nature/L’homme et la nature.  Volume III of Selected Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Edmonton: Academic Printing and Publishing, 1984).  Pp. xi + 162.


With P. Gallivan, Literature, Language and Culture:  Papers Read at the University of Alberta Conference on Literacy (Edmonton: Athabascan Publishing, 1977).  Pp. 76.




“Creating a Legacy / Questions about Planned giving // Vous songez à effectuer un don testamentaire / des questions au sujet des dons planifiés,” for the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, refereed by BMO, Clarica and Investors Group, 12 pages (2005).




“The Culinary Art of Eighteenth-Century Women Cookbook Authors.” In Women, Popular Culture, And The Eighteenth Century. Ed. Tiffany Potter. (University of Toronto Press, 2012), pp.115-32.


“Les Formes Théâtrales Anglaises, 1660-1780,” L'Aube de la Modernité. Ed. P.-E. Knabe, R. Mortier, and F. Moureau. Vol 16 of A Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages  (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2002), pp 205-224.


“English Literature in the French Press: Testimony, Imitation, and Fictional Exchange,” La Traduction des langues modernes au XVIIIe: ou “La Dernière Chemise de l’amour.” Ed. Annie Rivara (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2002), pp. 171-89.


“Voltaire and Eighteenth-Century Britain’s Sense of Europe,” Voltaire et ses combats. Ed. Ulla Kölving and Christiane Mervaud (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1997), vol. 2, pp. 1095-1105.


“The Beggar’s Opera and Literary Historiography: Critical Pluralism as Strategy for Teaching a Canonical Text,” Bridging the Gap: Literary Theory in the Classroom. Ed. J.M.Q. Davies (W. Cornwall, Connecticut: Locust Hill, 1994), pp. 181-201.


“Pictorialism in Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Visual Thinking and Narrative Diversity,” Time, Literature and the Arts in Honor of Samuel L. Macey. Ed. Thomas R. Cleary (Victoria: English Literary Studies, University of Victoria, 1994), pp. 157-91.


“Marivaux and England: Fictional Exchange,” Le Triomphe de Marivaux. Ed. M.G. Badir and V. Bosley (Edmonton: Department of Romance Languages, University of Alberta, 1989), pp. 57-68.


“The Idea of Burgundy in Eighteenth-Century English Literature,” Travelling Through Burgundy in the age of Jefferson. Ed. Michel Baridon and Bernard Chevignard (Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 1988), pp. 85-100.


“Faithful Unpredictability: Syntax and Theology in Margaret Avison's Poetry,” Lighting Up The Terrain: The Poetry of Margaret Avison. Ed. David A. Kent (Toronto: ECW Press, 1987), pp. 82-110.


“Death and Religion in The Rape of the Lock,” Death and Dying. Ed. Evelyn J. Hinz (Winnipeg: Mosaic, 1982), pp. 29-39.




The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820. Ed. April London. Four entries on Alexander Bicknell: The Benevolent Man (1775); The History of Lady Anne Neville (1776); Prince Arthur (1779); and Doncaster Races (1789): in press.


“Alexander Bicknell (d. 1796),” Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford: OUP. 2004), Vol. 5, 659-60.


“Christopher Anstey (1724-1805),” Oxford DNB (Oxford: OUP, 2004), Vol. 2, 269-71.


“Henry Baker (1734-66),” Oxford DNB (Oxford: OUP, 2004), Vol. 3, 377.


“Making Use of Nature: Practical Applications of Knowledge,” The Book of Nature: The Eighteenth Century & The Material Word. Ed. Susan Liepert (Bruce Peel Special Collections Library: University of Alberta, 1998), pp. 43-47.


“Liberal Arts Education in Canada,” The Canadian Encyclopedia. (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1998 & 1999 CD-ROM editions; 1999 print edition. Revised and updated 2012).


“Adultery” and “Madness,” A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature. Ed. David L. Jeffrey (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 1992), pp. 22-25 & 469-72.




“The Gentleman-Farmer in Emma: Agrarian Writing and Jane Austen’s Cultural Idealism,” University of Toronto Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 2 (Spring 2008): 711-37.


“Margaret Avison on Natural History: Ecological and Biblical Meditations,” Canadian Poetry, no. 59 (Fall/Winter 2006): 95-110. 


“Daniel Defoe and Islam,” Lumen, vol. 24 (2005), 19-34.


“Daniel Defoe’s Biblical Allusions and Spiritual Voices,” Khthónios, vol. 2, no. 2  (2004): 27-44.


“Problems of Self-Identity for the Literary Journeyman: The Case of Alexander Bicknell (d. 1796),” English Studies in Canada, vol. 28 (2002): 31-63.


“Spiritual Places in The Longest Journey and Howards End: E. M. Forster’s Gendered Criticism of Imperialism and Cosmopolitanism,” Proceedings of the 7th International Literature of Region and Nation Conference. Ed. Susanne Hagemann (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2000), 255-68.


“What is Region and Nation?: A Forum,” devised, chaired and edited, Proceedings of the 7th International Literature of Region and Nation Conference. Ed. Susanne Hagemann (Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2000), 549-65.


“Eating à l’anglaise in Provincial France, 1750-1789,” in “Cultural Topography of Food.” Ed. Beatrice Fink, a special issue of Eighteenth-Century Life, vol. 23, n.s., 2 (May 1999): 84-96.


“Consuming Modes in Northanger Abbey: Jane Austen’s Economic View of Literary Nationalism,” Persuasions, no. 20 (1998): 222-35.


“‘Englishness’ in the Eighteenth-Century French Regional Press: Advertising Rhetoric and the Economic Avantgarde,” Interfaces: Image Texte Langage, vol. 13 (Juin 1998): 173-83.


“The British Community in Eighteenth-Century Bordeaux: Economic and Cultural Exchange,” Proceedings of the 6th International Literature of Region and Nation Conference. Ed. Winnifred M. Bogaards (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: University of New Brunswick in Saint John, 1998), vol. I: 97-119.


“Le discours sur le vin dans la presse régionale et l’identité nationale, 1750-1790,” Dix-huitième siècle, no 29 (1997) 117-24.


“Bacchus In Eighteenth-Century Britain: French Wine And Literary Sensibility, 1660-1800,” Lit:Literature Interpretation Theory, vol. 8, no 1 (1997): 23-59.


“England Imported into Late Eighteenth-Century La Rochelle: Economic Consumption and Paradoxes of Cultural Exchange,” Lumen, vol 15 (1996): 115-33.


“The Industrial Revolution as Cultural Exchange between England and France,” Transactions of the Ninth International Congress on the Enlightenment, (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1996), vol 2: 986-89.


“The English in Eighteenth-Century Dijon: The Provincial Press, Cultural Exchange, and Literary History,” Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century, vol. 319 (1994): 403-16.


“Signs of Nationalism in The History of Emily Montague, Canadians of Old and The Imperialist: Cultural Displacement and the Semiotics of Wine,” Recherches sémiotiques/Semiotic Inquiry, vol. 14, nos 1-2 (1994): 235-50. Excerpted in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, vol. 48. Ed. Marie Lazzari (Farmington Hills: Gale, 1999), pp. 109-112.


“A Political and Social History of Spirits and Wine in Canada, 1630-1900,” Etudes Canadiennes/Canadian Studies, no. 35 (1993): 53-71.


“The Politics of Romance in The History of Emily Montague,” Canadian Literature, no. 133 (Summer, 1992): 92-108.  Rpt. in Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800, vol. 48. Ed. Marie Lazzari (Farmington Hills: Gale, 1999), pp. 76-85. Excerpted in Frances Brooke, The History of Emily Montague. Ed. Laura Moss (Ottawa: Tecumseh, 2001), pp. 406-16.


“Diction and Verbal Sequence in Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel: The Rhetorical Confirmation of Religious Typology,” Etudes Anglaises, vol. 45, no. 2 (Avril-Juin, 1992): 129-42.


“Natural History and the Eighteenth-Century English Novel,” Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 25, no. 2 (Winter, 1991-92): 145-70.


“Port and Claret: The Politics of Wine in Trollope's Barsetshire Novels.”  Mosaic, vol. 24, nos. 3-4 (Summer/Fall, 1991): 107-25.


“Marivaux Translated and Naturalized: Systemic Contraries in Eighteenth-Century British Fiction,” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, vol. 17, nos. 3-4 (September-December, 1990): 227-54.


“Narrative Contraries as Signs in Defoe’s Fiction,” Eighteenth-Century Fiction, vol. 1, no. 3 (April, 1989): 171-85.


“Bacchus in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Comedy: Wine as an Index of Generic Decline,” Man and Nature, vol. 7 (1988): 179-93.


“England's Orpheus: Praise of Handel in Eighteenth-Century Poetry,” Mosaic, vol. 20, no. 2 (Spring, 1987): 97-110.


“The Traditional and Progressive Aspects of Daniel Defoe's Ideas about Sex, Family and Marriage,” English Studies in Canada, vol. 12, no. 1 (March, 1986): 1-22.


“Violence, Ecology, and Political Sense in Recent Canadian Poetry,” Queen’s Quarterly, vol. 92, no. 3 (Autumn, 1985): 509-28.


“E.M. Forster’s Modernism: Tragic Faith in A Passage to India,” Mosaic, vol. 17, no. 3 (Summer, 1984): 71-86. Rpt. in E. M. Forster: Critical Assessments. Ed. J. H. Stape (Mountfield, UK: Helm, 1998), vol. 3, no. 138: 346–62.


“The Conduct of Spiritual Autobiography in Jane Eyre,” Renascence, vol. 37, no. 1 (Autumn, 1984): 2-15.


“Irony and Theology in Eloisa to Abelard,” Wascana Review, vol. 18, no. 1 (Spring, 1983): 40-51.


“The Principles of Fielding’s Legal Satire and Social Reform,” Dalhousie Review, vol. 62, no. 2 (Summer, 1982): 238-53.


“Social Fact and Political Theory in Cowper’s The Task,” Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest, vol. 11 (1980): 45-62.


“The Concept of Mind in Emma,” English Studies in Canada, vol. 6, no. 1 (Spring, 1980): 39-55.


“Empiricism and Judgment in Fielding's Tom Jones,” Ariel, vol. 11, no. 3 (July, 1980): 3-21.


“‘The Ominous Centre’: The Theological Impulse in the Poetry of Margaret Avison,” White Pelican, vol. 5, no. 2 (1976): 12-24.


“Religious and Linguistic Sensibility in Augustan Poetry,” Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest, vol. 6 (1974): 34-44.


“Justice and Literary Perception as Themes in the Poetry of John Gay,” Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest, vol. 5 (1974): 114-18.


“Defoe’s Presentation of Crime and Criminals: An Examination of His Social Philosophy,” Transactions of the Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest, vol. 4 (1972): 68-85.


“The Rhetoric of the North: An Essay on North of Summer by Al Purdy and The Great Bear Lake Meditations by J. Michael Yates,” White Pelican, vol. 1, no. 4 (1971): 40-49.





Ellison, Katherine, Kit Kincaide and Holly Faith Nelson (eds), Topographies of the Imagination: New Approaches to Daniel Defoe (New York: AMS Press, 2014), Pacific Coast Philology vol 50, no. 1(2015), 127-31.


McMurran, Mary Helen, The Spread of Novels: Translation and Prose Fiction in the Eighteenth Century (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009), Eighteenth-Century Fiction vol. 23, no. 2 (Winter 2010/2011): 432-34.


Tombs, Robert and Isabelle. That Sweet Enemy: The French and the British from the Sun King to the Present (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2007), Eighteenth-Century Book Reviews On-Line (EBRO). Posted June 2008.


Claire Jowitt (ed.). Pirates? The Politics of Plunder, 1550-1650. Early Modern Literature in History. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), Renaissance and Reformation vol 32, no. 2 (2009): 124-26.


“Invoking the Imagination?”: Robert D. Denham, Northrop Frye: Religious Visionary and Architect of the Spiritual World. (University of Virginia Press), Canadian Literature no. 190 (Autumn 2006):153-55.


Tiffany Potter, Honest Sins: Georgian Libertinism & The Plays & Novels of Henry Fielding (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1999), English Studies in Canada vol. 27, no. 3 (September 2001):  358-61.                                


Andrew Sprague Becker, The Shield of Achilles and the Poetics of Ekphrasis (Rowman & Littlefield, 1995), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature vol 27, nos. 1-2 (March-June 2000): 329-32.


David Fausett, The Strange Surprizing Sources of Robinson Crusoe  (Rodopi, 1994), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature vol 25, nos. 1-2 (March/June 1998): 255-58.


C. Steven Larue, Handel and his Singers: The Creation of the Royal Academy Operas, 1720-1728 (Clarendon, Oxford,1995) and Ruth Smith. Handel’s Oratorios And Eighteenth-Century Thought (Cambridge University Press, 1995), The Scriblerian vol 30, no. 2 (Spring 1998): 80-82.


Lise Andries, (éd.), Robinson. Figures mythiques (Éditions Autrement, 1996), Eighteenth-Century Fiction vol. 10, no. 2 (January, 1998): 237-38.


“Problematizing Poetry”: Jack Hammond, Northwest Quartet (Winter, 1992), Richard Sommer, The Shadow Sonnets (Nuage, 1992), and Ken Norris, Report On The Second Half Of The Twentieth Century Books 8-11 (The Muses' Co., 1992), Canadian Literature no. 147 (Winter 1995): 179-81. 


Hamish Swanston, Handel (Geoffrey Chapman, 1990), The Scriblerian vol. 25, no. 1 (Autumn, 1992): 89-90.


Peter Seary, Lewis Theobald and the Editing of Shakespeare (Oxford University Press, 1990), English Studies in Canada vol. 18, no. 4 (December, 1992): 483-87.


Glen Downie, An X-Ray of Longing (Polestar, 1987), Robyn Sarah, Becoming Light (Cormorant, 1987), and Janet Simpson-Cooke, Future Rivers (Ragweed, 1987), Canadian Literature nos. 122-123 (Autumn-Winter, 1989): 223-26.


Carol Louise Hall, Blake and Fuseli: A Study in the Transmission of Ideas (Garland, 1985), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature vol. 16, nos. 1-2 (March/June 1989): 440-43.


Alain Morvan (ed.), La Peur (University of Lille, 1985), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature vol. 16, nos. 1-2 (March/June 1989): 406-09.


Margaret Anne Doody, The Daring Muse: Augustan Poetry Reconsidered (Cambridge University Press, 1985),             English Studies in Canada vol. 14, no. 2 (June, 1988): 225-30.


H. Gordon Green, The Devil is Innocent (Harvest House, 1986), Michael Hennessey, An Arch for the King & Other Stories (Ragweed, 1984), and Diane Schoemperlen, Frogs & Other Stories (Quarry, 1986), Canadian Literature no. 118 (Autumn, 1988): 158-61.


Roo Borson and Kim Maltman, The Transparence of November / Snow (Quarry, 1985), Monty Reid, The Alternate Guide (RDC, 1985), and Jim Tallosi, Talking Water, Talking Fire (Queenston House, 1985), Canadian Literature nos. 113-114 (Summer-Fall, 1987): 241-43.


Elliot B. Gose, The World of the Irish Wonder Tale: An Introduction to the Study of Fairy Tales (University of Toronto Press, 1985), Canadian Children’s Literature no. 47 (1987): 69-71.


F. Bastian, Defoe’s Early Life (Barnes & Noble, 1981) and Maximillian E. Novak, Realism, Myth, and History in Defoe’s Fiction (University of Nebraska Press, 1983), Modern Language Studies vol. 17, no. 1 (Winter, 1987): 75-81.


James King, William Cowper: A Biography (Duke University, 1986), Dalhousie Review vol. 66, no. 4 (Winter, 1986-87): 564-67.


John C. Sherwood, R.S. Crane: An Annotated Bibliography (Garland, 1984), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature vol. 13, no. 4 (December, 1986): 655-58.


Howard Erskine-Hill, The Augustan Idea in English Literature (Edward Arnold, 1983), Ariel vol. 17, no. 2 (April, 1986): 85-89.


Roger Emerson, Gilles Girard and Roseann Runte (eds.), Man and Nature/L'homme et la nature: Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 1 (University of Western Ontario, 1982), Canadian Review of Comparative Literature vol. 13, no. 1 (March 1986): 125-28.


“The Life of Writing: John Halperin, The Life of Jane Austen” (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984), Dalhousie Review vol. 65, no. 1 (Spring, 1985): 122-28.


Samuel L. Macey, Money and the Novel: Mercenary Motivation in Defoe and His Successors (Sono Nis, 1983), English Studies in Canada vol. 11, no. 2 (June, 1985): 243-51.


John Robert Colombo (ed.), Songs of the Indians (Oberon, 1983), Queen’s Quarterly vol. 92, no. 1 (Spring, 1985): 177-79.


“Criticism Challenged: Recent Studies of George Eliot,” Litir Newsletter of Victorian Studies nos. 3 and 4 (Winter/Spring, 1984): 1-4.


Irvin Ehrenpreis, Acts of Implication (University of California at Los Angeles Press, 1981) and William Dowling, Language and Logos in Boswell’s Life of Johnson (Princeton University Press, 1981), Dalhousie Review vol. 62, no. 4 (Winter, 1982-83): 700-04.


Candace Burstow, The Songs of Bathsheba (Fiddlehead, 1981), Greg Gatenby, Growing Still (Black Moss, 1981), Percy Janes, Light and Dark (Harry Cuff, 1980), Dorothy Livesay, The Raw Edges (Turnstone, 1981), Rita Rosenfeld, The Days in Careful Measure (Fiddlehead, 1980), Sid Stephen, Waiting for the Stones (Oberon, 1980), and Dale Zieroth, Mid-river (Anansi, 1981), Queen’s Quarterly vol. 89, no. 4 (Winter, 1982): 893-96.


Thomas Lockwood, Post-Augustan Satire (University of Washington Press, 1979), Eighteenth-Century Studies vol. 15, no. 4 (Summer, 1982): 473-77.


Alaistar Macdonald, A Different Lens (Harry Cuff, 1981), Stuart MacKinnon, Mazinaw (McClelland and Stewart, 1980), and George Woodcock, The Mountain Road (Fiddlehead, 1980), Queen’s Quarterly vol. 89, no. 2 (Summer, 1982): 422-24.


Michael Cook, Three Plays (Breakwater), C. Rose (ed.), The blasty bough (Breakwater, 1976), and Rudy Wiebe and Theatre Passe Muraille, Far as the Eye Can See (NeWest, 1977), Canadian Literature no. 85 (Summer, 1980): 126-28.


Paul Alkon, Defoe and Fictional Time (University of Georgia Press, 1979), Dalhousie Review vol. 60, no. 2 (Summer, 1980): 367-70.


Richard Feingold, Nature and Society (Rutgers University Press, 1978), Eighteenth-Century Studies vol. 13, no. 2 (Fall, 1979): 115-18.


Ronald Hatch, Crabbe’s Arabesque (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1976), English Studies in Canada vol. 5, no. 1 (Spring, 1979): 117-22.


Patricia Meyer Spacks, Imagining a Self (Harvard University Press, 1976), University of Toronto Quarterly vol. 48, no. 2 (Winter 1978/79): 186-88.


Gary Geddes, War and other measures (Anansi, 1976), Eugene McNamara, In Transit (Pennyworth, 1975), and Alan Pearson, Freewheeling Through Gossamer Dragstrips (Sesame, 1975), Canadian Literature no. 79 (Winter, 1978): 96-98.


Bertrand Goldgar, Walpole and the Wits (University of Nebraska Press, 1976), Dalhousie Review vol. 58, no. 1 (Spring, 1978): 175-77.


John Dixon Hunt, The Figure in the Landscape (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1976), Ariel vol. 9, no. 2 (April, 1978):101-03.


John Richetti, Defoe's Narratives (Oxford University Press, 1975), English Language Notes vol. 14, no. 4 (June, 1977): 293-96.


Everett Zimmerman, Defoe and the Novel (University of California at Los Angeles Press, 1975), Eighteenth-Century Studies vol. 10, no. 2 (Winter 1976/77): 264-66.


Frederick Keener, An Essay on Pope (Columbia University Press, 1974), Queen’s Quarterly vol. 83, no. 3 (Autumn, 1976): 515.


Robin Skelton, The Poet’s Calling (Heinemann, 1975), Dalhousie Review vol. 56, no. 2 (Summer, 1976):407-08.


Elizabeth Brewster, In Search of Eros (Clarke, Irwin, 1974) and Douglas Lochhead, Collected Poems (McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1975), Queen’s Quarterly, vol. 83, no. 1 (Spring, 1976): 165-66.


Louis Landa (ed.), A Journal of the Plague Year (Oxford University Press, 1969) and Shiv K. Kumar (ed.), The Life, Adventure, and Pyracies of the Famous Captain Singleton (Oxford University Press, 1969), Yearbook of English Studies (February, 1972): 276-77.




Peter M. Briggs, “Joseph Addison and the Art of Listening; Birdsong, Italian Opera, and the Music of the English Tongue” in The Age of Johnson 16 (2005): 157-76, The Scriblerian vol. 39, no. 2 (Spring 2007): 129-30.


Winton Dean, “Handel's Serse” in Opera and the Englightenment, ed. Thomas Baumon and Marita P. McClymonds (Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 135-63, The Scriblerian vol 30, no. 2 (Spring 1998): 8-9.


D.G. Jones, Balthazer and Other Poems (Coach House, 1988), Canadian Book Review Annual 1990 (1991), pp. 224-25.


Raymond Souster, Collected Poems of Raymond Souster: Volume Six 1984-86 (Oberon, 1988), CBRA 1990 (1991), pp. 236-37.


W.J. Keith, Regions of the Imagination: The Development of British Rural Fiction (University of Toronto Press, 1988), CBRA 1988 (1989), p. 262.


Rienzi Crusz, A Time for Loving (Tsar, 1986), CBRA 1987 (1988), p. 151.


Earle Thomas, Sir John Johnson, Loyalist Baronet (Dundurn, 1986), CBRA 1987 (1988), p.  66.


Walter E. Houghton, Esther Rhoads Houghton and Jean Harris Slingerland (eds.), Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900.Volume IV (University of Toronto Press, 1987), CBRA 1987 (1988), pp. 6-7.


George Faludy, Selected Poems 1933-80 (McClelland & Stewart, 1985), CBRA 1986 (1987), pp. 94-95.


Robert Finch, Double Tuning (Porcupine's Quill, 1984), CBRA 1985 (1986), pp. 174-75.


Rafael Barreto-Rivera, Nimrod’s Tongue (Coach House, 1985), CBRA 1985 (1986), pp. 161-62.


Charles G.D. Roberts, The Collected Poems (Wombat Press, 1985), CBRA 1985 (1986), pp. 192-93.

Hedi Bouraoui, The Critical Strategy (ECW Press, 1983), CBRA 1984 (1985), p.296.


Thomas R. Cleary, Henry Fielding: Political Writer (Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1984), CBRA 1984 (1985), pp. 297-98.


Raymond Souster, Collected Poems, Volume Five, 1977-83 (Oberon, 1984), CBRA 1984 (1985), pp. 250-51.


Kevin Roberts, Nanoose Bay Suite (Oolichan, 1984), CBRA 1984 (1985), pp. 246-47.


Andrew Suknaski, The Land They Gave Away (NeWest, 1982), CBRA 1983 (l984), pp. 232-33.


Dennis Cooley, Fielding (Thistledown, 1983), CBRA 1983 (1984),pp. 201-02.


John V. Hicks, Silence Like the Sun (Thistledown, 1983), CBRA 1983 (1984), p. 215.


Ralph Gustafson, Conflicts of Spring (McClelland and Stewart, 1981), CBRA 1982 (1983), pp. 173-74.


David Halliday, The Black Bird (Porcupine’s Quill, 1982), CBRA 1982 (l983), p. 175.


Geoffrey Ursell, Trap Lines (Turnstone, 1982), CBRA 1982 (1983), pp. 200-01.


Dawn Billmyre, Universal Knowledge Now Revealed (Vesta, 1982), CBRA 1982 (1983), p. 93.


Brian Fawcett, Aggressive Transport (Talonbooks, 1982), CBRA 1982 (1983), p. 170.


Andrew Suknaski, Montage For An Interstellar Cry (Turnstone, 1982), CBRA 1982 (1983), p. 199.


Robin Magowan, Sweets (Pasdeloup, 1982), CBRA 1982 (1983), pp. 184-85.


Seymour Mayne, The Impossible Promised Land (Mosaic, 1981), CBRA 1981 (1982), p. 167.


Heather Cadsby, Traditions (Fiddlehead, 1981), CBRA 1981 (1982), pp. 152-53.


Liliane Welch, Brush and Trunks (Fiddlehead, 1981), CBRA 1981 (1982), p. 178.


Jeffrey Meyers (ed.), Wyndham Lewis: A Revaluation (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1980), CBRA 1980 (1982), pp. 154-55.


Zbigniew Folejewski, Futurism and Its Place in the Development of Modern Poetry (University of Ottawa Press, 1980), CBRA 1980 (1982), p. 155.


Bertram Brooker, Sounds Assembling (Turnstone, 1980), CBRA 1980 (1982), pp. 124-25.

Tom Howe, Myself in the Rain (Douglas and McIntyre, 1979), CBRA 1979 (1980), pp. 127-28.


M.T. Kelly, Country You Can’t Walk In (Penumbra, 1979), CBRA 1979 (1980), pp. 149-50.


Jane Campbell and James Doyle (eds.), The Practical Vision: Essays in English Literature in Honour of Flora Roy (Wilfred Laurier University Press, 1978), CBRA 1978 (1979), p. 177.


Shirlene Mason, Daniel Defoe and the Status of Women (Eden, 1978), CBRA 1978 (1979), p. 170.


Erik Christian Haugaard, Cromwell’s Boy (Houghton Mifflin, 1978), The World of Children’s Books vol. 4, no. 2 (Fall, 1979): 42-43.


Bill Bisset, Pomes for Yoshi (Talonbooks, 1977), CBRA 1977 (1978), p. 102.


Leon Garfield, The House of Hanover (Andre Deutsch, 1976), The World of Children’s Books vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring, 1977), 38-39.


Brian Moore, I am Mary Dunne (McClelland and Stewart, 1976), CBRA 1976 (1977), pp. 137-38.


Gabrielle Roy, The Road Past Altamont (McClelland and Stewart, 1976), CBRA 1976 (1977), p. 139.


Nellie McClung (ed.), Pomegranate:  An Anthology of Vancouver Poetry (Intermedia, 1975), CBRA 1975 (1976), p. 135.




“Cookbooks, Cuisine, and the English Novel: The Case of The Spiritual Quixote as a Prolegomenon,” Canadian Society for 18th-century Studies (CSECS), University of Manitoba, October 2007.


“Margaret Avison and Natural History: Ecological Mediations of Biblical Theology,” Association of Canadian Colleges and Universities (ACCUTE), University of Western Ontario, May 2005.


“Daniel Defoe and Islam,” CSECS, University of British Columbia, October 2003.


“Problems of Self-Identity for the Literary Journeyman: The Case of Alexander Bicknell (d. 1796),” CSECS, University of Toronto, October 2000.


“English Anecdotes in the French Regional Press, 1750-1789,” CSECS, Université de Montréal, October 1999.


“English Narratives in the French Press: Testimony, Imitation, and Fictional Exchange,” Tenth International Congress on the Enlightenment (International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS), Dublin, July 1999.


“Consuming Modes in Northanger Abbey: Jane Austen’s Economic View of Literary Nationalism,” Jane Austen Society of North America, Quebec City, October 1998.


“Spiritual Places in The Longest Journey and Howards End: E. M. Forster’s Gendered Criticism of Imperialism and Cosmopolitanism,” 7th International Literature of Region and Nation (ILRN), University of Mainz at Germersheim, August 1998.


“The Exchange of Body Styles in 18th-Century Britain and France,”  Body Projects Conference at the U of Saskatchewan, September 1997 and CSECS, University of Western Ontario, October 1997. 


“British Communities in French Cities,” American Society for 18th-Century Studies (ASECS), Vanderbilt University, April 1997.


“Eating à l’anglaise in Provincial France, 1750-1789,” Western Society for 18th-Century Studies, University of California at Berkeley, February 1997.


“London in Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Comedy: Capital Settings,” CSECS, University of Victoria, October 1996.


“The British Community in Eighteenth-Century Bordeaux: Economic and Cultural Exchange,” 6th ILRN Conference, University of New Brunswick at St. John, August 1996.


“The Industrial Revolution as Cultural Exchange between England and France,” Ninth International Congress on the Enlightenment (ISECS), Münster, July 1995.


“English Goods in the French Enlightenment: Paradoxes of Trade and Cultural Identity,” CSECS, Saskatoon, October 1994.


“Voltaire and Eighteenth-Century Britain’s Sense of Europe,” Voltaire et ses Combats, Oxford University and the Sorbonne, October 1994.


“Regionalism's Limits in the ‘Romans Nationaux’ of Erckmann-Chatrian: National Identity and Literary Ideology in Conflicts,” 14th International Comparative Literature Association Congress, University of Alberta, August 1994.


“The Political and Social History of Wine in Canada, 1630-1900,” Association française des études canadiennes, Université de Michel Montaigne, Bordeaux II, June 1993.


“Defoe’s Biblical Allusiveness and Narrative Experimentation,” CSECS, St. John's, Newfoundland, October 1992.

“Cultural Displacement and Nationalism in The Canadians of Old and The History of Emily Montague: The Semiotics of Wine and Literary History,” Canadian Semiotic Association, University of Prince Edward Island, May 1992. 


“The English in Eighteenth-Century Dijon,” CSECS, University of Calgary, October 1991. 


“The ‘inward frame’: Psychology and Language in Bishop Joseph Butler’s Apologetics,” Le Moyne Forum on Religion and Literature, Syracuse, NY, September 1991. 


“The Politics of Romance in The History of Emily Montague,” CSECS, Queen’s University, October 1990.


“Pictorial and Narrative Contraries in Eighteenth-Century Fiction,” CSECS, University of Montreal, October 1989.


“Natural History in the Eighteenth-Century Novel,” CSECS, Dalhousie University, October 1988.


“Marivaux and England: Fictional Exchange,” Triumphs of Marivaux, University of Alberta, October 1988.


“Narrative Contraries as Signs in Defoe’s Fiction,” CSECS, University of British Columbia, October 1987.


“Port and Claret in The Barsetshire Novels,” Closing plenary address, Creating Word Conference, University of Alberta, October 1987.


“Allusion and Multiple Contexts in Restoration and 18th-Century Comedy: A Semiotic Approach to Generic History,” Contexts, University of Manitoba, May 1987. 


“The Idea of Burgundy in 18th-Century English Literature,” Université de Dijon, March 1987. 


“Bacchus in Restoration and 18th-Century Comedy: Wine as an Index of Generic and Moral Decline,” CSECS, University of Ottawa, October 1986. 


“Bacchus in 18th-Century England: French Wine and Literary Sensibility,” ASECS, Boston, April 1984.


“Implication and Myth in Pope’s Dunciad," CSECS, University of New Brunswick, St. John, October 1983.


“The Traditional and Progressive Aspects of Daniel Defoe’s Ideas about Sex, Family and Marriage,”Mid-Western Association for 18th-Century Studies, Indiana University at Bloomington, October 1983.


“Diction as an Index of Political and Religious Values in Absalom and Achitophel,” ASECS, Rice University, Houston, March 1982.


“The Law and Rhetoric in Fielding’s Fiction,” CSECS, University of Montreal, October 1981. 


“Social Fact and Political Theory in Cowper's The Task,” Samuel Johnson Society of the Northwest (SJSNW), U of Calgary, October 1980. 


“Rhetoric as Motif and Theme in Pride and Prejudice,” Alberta-Calgary Exchange, University of Calgary, March 1980.  


“The Concept of Mind in Emma,” Association of Canadian University Teachers of English, (ACUTE), University of New Brunswick at Fredericton, June 1977. 


“Empiricism and Judgment in Fielding’s Tom Jones,” ASECS, University of Victoria, May 1977.  “Narrative Contraries and Ideas in Defoe’s Sub-literary Genres,” Atlantic Society for 18th-Century Studies, University of New Brunswick at St. John, April 1977.  


“A Defence of the Moral Affectiveness of Eighteenth-Century Literature,” ASECS, University of Virginia, April 1976.  


“Sense and Sensibility and the Tradition of Augustan Irony,” Jane Austen Bicentenary Commemoration, University of Victoria, April 1975.      


“Language, Gesture, and the Uses of Rationalism in Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey,” CSECS, Laval University, March 1975. 


“Daniel Defoe and the Law of Nature,” ASECS, University of Pennsylvania, April 1974. 


“Religious and Linguistic Sensibility in Augustan Poetry,” SJSNW, University of Victoria, October 1973.


“Process as Theme in John Gay’s Pastoral Poetry,” ACUTE, Queen's University, May 1973.  


“Justice and Literary Perception as themes in the Poetry of John Gay,” SJSNW, University of British Columbia, October 1972. 


“Defoe’s Presentation of Crime and Criminals: An Examination of his Social Philosophy,” SJSNW, University of Calgary, October 1971. 

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